From Passion to Profit: Heart Centered Strategies for FitPros

020 Boost Sales Creatively: Unveiling the Power of Lumpy Mail Strategy

Nichola Page Season 1 Episode 20

Welcome back to another insightful episode of "From Passion to Profit." In this episode, our business expert, Nichola Page, unveils the secrets of boosting sales through a powerful strategy called lumpy mail. Nichola shares two impactful ways to implement this strategy, focusing on re-engaging with ex-clients or members and enticing existing clients to upgrade or explore new offerings.

Nichola kicks off by explaining the concept of lumpy mail, reminiscent of the days when physical mail was a primary means of communication. The key is to stand out with a brightly coloured envelope and an intriguing item inside, making recipients curious to open and explore.

She illustrates this with creative examples, such as tiny egg timers or packets of seeds, emphasising the importance of a tenuous link between the gift and the sales letter. Nichola delves into the structure of an effective sales letter, starting with a link to the gift, followed by agitating the problem, identifying the solution, showcasing results, and presenting an irresistible offer.

Whether reconnecting with ex-clients or promoting something new, the lumpy mail strategy remains consistent. The episode encourages listeners to think outside the box, stand out from the digital noise, and create memorable interactions. Nichola shares personal experiences of receiving lumpy mail and highlights the lasting impact it can have on potential clients.

Key Points:

  1. Lumpy Mail Concept: Using physical mail to stand out and create memorable interactions.
  2. Creative Examples: Egg timers, seed packets, or other intriguing items inside brightly coloured envelopes.
  3. Sales Letter Structure: Link to the gift, agitate the problem, identify the solution, showcase results, and present an irresistible offer.
  4. Two Strategies: Reengage with ex-clients or entice existing clients to explore new offerings.
  5. Lasting Impact: Lumpy mail leaves a lasting impression, even if immediate results are not seen.

Nichola concludes by challenging listeners to think differently and step away from the social media crowd. Implementing offline marketing strategies like lumpy mail can set businesses apart, foster engagement, and lead to long-term success.

Resource Links:

Nichola Page:

Today I want to share with you two ways to boost sales. So you get more money coming in using a strategy called lumpy mail. Lumpy mail can work really well for you in in these two ways. Well, firstly, if you want to reengage with EX clients or members. And secondly, if you want to get your existing clients or your members to upgrade or buy something new that you're offering, often, we can spend a lot of time and effort trying to attracting new people. So all of our front end marketing, we can work really hard at that when actually, we don't even know those people yet. They don't know us. So it can feel like it you know, you're you're pushing a heavy rock up a hill, when sometimes all we need to do is actually look a bit closer to home. And that's what this session is all about. So what is lumpy mail? Well, do you remember the old days when we used to get things through the post, that's how people communicated to us. That's what we're talking about here. But with a difference. So this is about you send him something out in the post to let's, let's say the first instances to people who have already had a relationship with you, they've been a member, they've been a client, you've got their home address, you're going to send something to them in the post. I know what a concept, no emails, no social social media all about in the mail. But but you're going to do it slightly differently. So what you need to have is a really brightly coloured envelope. Now you can stay on brand if you want with that. But it really don't overthink that it doesn't matter what the colour is, the purpose of the colour of the envelope is to make it stand out. And then you'll also want to think about what could you put inside the envelope where somebody, they'll pick that envelope up, because they're attracted to the colour, they'll pick it up and think what's inside there, there's something in it, the purpose of the thing that's going inside the envelope is to make them want to open it as opposed to just picking a load of junk mail up and throwing it straight in the bin. So what could you put inside that envelope, that's going to make somebody want to open it, not a pin, though, please don't put a pin charities do pins, let's leave the pins to them. That's a bit boring. Let's think outside of the box. Now one of the things that I have done in the past and some of my clients have done in the past is you can get tiny little egg timers. So miniature ones, you can get them on Amazon, I'm sure eBay all of those kinds of places, you can get a really cheap few pence for these tiny little web timers that you can put inside the envelope, but it makes the envelope lumpy, hence, Lumpy mail. And it's like why Pete white what's in there need to see what this is. But what you would do inside that envelope along with that little timer as an example would be a sales letter, and the sales letter that you're going to write starts with. As an example. You might be wondering why I've sent you an egg timer. Well, I'm amazed at how quickly time has passed, you've been on my thoughts. So I thought I'd write you a letter. So all you need is a very tenuous link to the gift at the start of the sales letter. And then you're off and running. Other examples might be you can send like a little packet of seeds. Now the seeds could represent that seeds need to be watered, they need to be nurtured in order to grow and become the plant that they that are the flower that they want to be the same is the case we need to nurture and eat, we need water we need to nourish our bodies. And you might be a nutrition expert. You could think about putting you can put something in there like a sachet of really nice hot chocolate or a sachet of coffee and say put the kettle on. I've sent you this gift I've sent you a sachet of chocolate put the kettle on whilst you read this letter. It doesn't matter too much about what that gift is the purpose of it is to get them to just open the letter first of all, but you just make reference to it at the start. And then what you do in the rest of the letter is you go into all that I'm gonna run you through the key things you'd have in the app. So let's say for example, this was a rejoin letter. So it's going out to ex members ex clients you've not heard or seen from them a while. So you're going to do this as a test strategy. Now you start with that link to the gift, the tenuous link back to the timer seed, whatever it is you're going to send through and then you would start to agitate the problem. Now I've previously done an episode on the problem solution fit so if you haven't listened Tonight, you might want to go back and listen to that as well. But what we're doing, we're agitating the problem at the start of the letter we're talking about where they might be at right now what they're fed up with frustrated with what they don't want anymore, we talk to that, you can say, you know, we're hearing lots of people tell us how x, y, and Zed, then we identify what the solution is. And the solution is obviously what you have to offer. So we talk about how you're still here, maybe you're, if you're still offering the same solution as you did, at the time, when they when they left, we just need to remind them that you're still here. And this is what you have to offer. And this is how it helps them with the problem that they've got right now. And then we showcase the results. You can include things like short testimonials in this sales letter as well, one or two of those, if you've got some photos, great, add those to it as well. So we agitate the problem, we identify the solution, you're here. This is what you have to offer, maybe there's something slightly different that you've got going on now to what they were used to when they was a member or a client of yours before. So talk to that, say why that's a great solution, if they're still experiencing these problems. And then really moving to the results how other people who you are currently working with they've got these great results, and then give them the offer. Now, I would normally recommend you give some form of irresistible rejoin offer for them to come back. It could be as simple as they get a percentage of their first month, or maybe they get the first month free, maybe they get a slightly discounted rate. Think about what you would like if you was in that ex client ex member shoes, what would you like what might be just the thing that you need to go, actually, I do still feel like this, I do still want these results. This is really good offer, I'm gonna go back. So tell them about what the offer is and then tell them how long it is available for and what they need to do to take it up, maybe you're going to include a QR code in that sales letter, but you need to be really specific about what's the action they need to take to take up that offer that you're positioning to them. And that's how you would structure that sales letter. Its start with a link to the gift, the tenuous link, agitate the problem, identify the solution, showcase the results that they can get by using testimonials, and then give them the offer as a rejoin offer. Now this the second way that you can use this is if you have got maybe you're launching something new in your business, maybe you have created a brand new membership or a package or programme, maybe you've got courses or workshops or something that is that you want to get people into something that's coming up quite soon, you can use the lumpy mail strategy to upsell into a new offer. Now this might go out to past clients, ex clients or members, but also to your existing clients. You could test if you've got home addresses for any anybody, maybe anybody on your list, whether they've been a client or not, you can still test this with that list as well. As long as you've got somebody's physical address, you can do this. So whatever the new thing is, that you want to get people signed up to, you still follow the same premise, we've got our brightly coloured envelope, we've got our verb, your version of the Act, the sand timer, or whatever you want to put in there, we've got that and now the sales letter is still going to follow exactly the same structure, as I've just outlined. But this time, what we are showcasing the solution that we are now talking about is actually the new thing that you're offering. So you start with the link back to the gift. So put the kettle on and enjoy this lovely indulgent hot chocolate whilst you read this letter. You agitate the problem that this new thing solves so you talk to that so many people are telling us this. We're hearing lots of people complaining or frustrated or confused about a BNC you fill in the gaps. So agitate the problem. lay the foundations, the whole purpose for them is to go gosh, yeah, that's how I feel. Yep. This definitely. I would agree with that. That's how I feel that's what I'm hearing. Identify the solution the new thing that you are offering, what is it you want them to say yes to talk about the results. Now if it's new, then you're the chances are you've got no testimonials that will go along with it. So you can talk about why you believe this solution, this new thing that you're offering helps them get the results, what is it about it? That's going to help them to get to where they want to be. Okay? So if you don't have the actual testimonials to go with it, or maybe this is something that you have tried for yourself and got results with, then you can use yourself as the testimonial, and that's fine to do that. And then you give them the offer, what is it you are actually that you want to tell them about? How much is it? What's the deal that they get? Maybe you're gonna give them a time sensitive offer? Maybe because it's new, you're doing a case study offer? Or it might be that it's this is like you just said, it's an introductory offer? All of those things are okay for you to say. But what is it that you want them to do next? How do they raise their hand and say, Yes, I mean, I want that. Is it the QR code? Is it email me? Is it text me? What is it that you want them to do to opt in for it, so that the actual sales letter for both are extremely similar, it's just that solution part in the middle, and the offer at the end, that's slightly different, but the concept of lumpy mail is the same. So the envelope is there to stand out to attract attention. That was that's the case of any marketing. And we always want to attract attention, whether we're on social media are what we do in the envelope is the equivalent of a headline question that draws people in or catchy video clip that draws people in, that's the purpose of the envelope, the bit inside, whether it's your sand timer, or whatever it is, that's the part that's what you want to get some to open it to then carry on to read the sales letter that you've put inside. Now whether that person is ready to take up the offer there and then or not, one thing is for sure, they are going to remember this letter. So they may not be at that stage right now, when they're ready to take the offer and move to the next step and start working on getting the results. But if you now stay front and centre in their mind when they are ready, they will remember that letter, maybe they're going to keep this little sand timer is a momentum, something that when they look at that, and they think I need to do something about that. And who do I Who do I go to that was me sending that letter, they're going to be thinking I need to go and speak to Nico, I remember the letter with the, with the hot chocolate in it, or the seeds in it. Or if they plant the seeds, they're going to see that throw in a constant reminder of you and how you can help them solve their problems. And if they've solved their problem, if this is not actually something that they need help with any more. Do you think they're going to talk about that with other people? Of course they are. The conversations will be next time they see they see their colleagues or their friends. You never believe what I've got in the post, I've got this, how clever is that? I remember the first time I received a version of lumpy mail from I was kind of on the radar looking for a business coach many many years ago. So I was on his email list, I'd signed up to some kind of workshop. So you've got my contact details. And then this letter came through the post, it was so clever that I actually kept it for years. And then when I was ready to go yet, I need to work with somebody, I need to step right out of my comfort zone. He was the first person that I went to. So but it took a couple of years for me to get to that point. Now hopefully we want the people you're sending it to to take the offer up quicker than that. But here's the thing with marketing, sales and marketing there is there is a pipeline that you need to feel there is a lag time between what you put out now and the results that you get. But I think we live in a world where we want such instant gratification. We want the likes, we want the shares, we want the comments, we want them now, before our stories disappear, that we forget, actually, we have to do things that will slowly build up the pipeline. So if you're sending out these lumpy mail now, but you don't get any results immediately, don't assume that it has not worked because it might just be that you're you're gradually building up that relationship again. And when they are ready, you will be the first person that they're going to think of. So let's just look at what I think your actions are. Hopefully, hopefully you've listened to this thinking yeah, I'm gonna give this a test. So here's what you need to do first, pull together a list of ex clients or members. Okay, and look and see. Maybe you've already got is a management system that you use, and it's very easy for you to run a report off, and you've got all their addresses, maybe, maybe you're still old school maybe got a load of park use hanging around somewhere with their addresses on, get a list of addresses, depending on how long ago this was, they when they will remember, some of their addresses may be that may have moved right may not be relevant. So we're gonna have to put a percentage of that number, let's say you've got 100 on a list, probably allow for 10% of those to actually not be living at that address anymore. But get the list together anyway, because we're going to run it as a test, then decide on what your lumpy mail gift will be, do not overthink this, it really doesn't matter that much. As long as you can put some kind of link at the start of the letter, then write your sales letter, remember, we're going to do the link to the gift, we're going to agitate the problem that they we think it we're assuming they've still got because we know that's why they came into our world in the first place. So agitate that problem. Talk about the solution, your memberships, your packages, maybe you've got something new that's going on talk about that and how it solves that problem. Talk about the results they can expect to get if you've got testimonials, include those in there, and then give them the irresistible offer with a deadline and tell them exactly how they need to sign up, and then just send it out, track your results. So have all those people on a list somewhere and track the results as somebody comes back in and says yes, I've got the letter, mark that off on your tracking sheet of some description. And just so you can see how many people have come back or have gone on to buy the upsell off the back of this letter. And again, as I have said, don't just assume that because it maybe you didn't get a big influx coming through at this point, don't assume it hasn't worked. Because it took me two years, having received that letter to actually go ahead and work with a coach many years ago. So your clients are lining up. The thing of it is you've got to think outside the box, you've got to stand out, you've got to be different don't follow the masses, the masses are all on social media, they're doing the same thing is all becoming white noise. So my challenge to you is you do something different. So you stand out people remember you talk to other people about you. And when they are ready, they will come back. So there you have it. Two ways to give yourselves a boost using lumpy mail. offline marketing strategies such as this, they still work really well. You just have to think outside the box. So give it a try. And let me know how you get on connect with me on social media and send me a DM because I would really honestly, I would love to know how it goes for you. But if you are looking for a bit more support, if you've got a health and fitness business and you kind of get a bit stuck and you don't really know which direction to go in, you need a bit more handhold invites, you're not at the point where you want a business coach, then you might just want to have a think about my health and fitness business members club. It's super affordable with tonnes of support and value for you. There's a link in the show notes that tells you all about it have have a little look check it out. But if you if you decide it's not for you, no problem, but it is there as a way of me being able to help you in a bigger way. So check that out. But that's it from me for today. So I'll see you on the next episode. Don't forget to Like share, subscribe, leave and though let me have a comment. Let me know how you're getting on. And but until next time, bye for now.