From Passion to Profit: Heart Centered Strategies for FitPros

013 How to Turn Goals into Reality in Your Health and Fitness Business!

Nichola Page Season 1 Episode 13

Welcome to "From Passion to Profit," the podcast dedicated to helping you build a thriving health and fitness business. In today's episode, we'll uncover the secrets to turning your business goals into a reality. Join Nichola Page, on this journey towards success.

Did you know that a staggering 80% of goals are never achieved?
Nichola  sheds light on why this happens and offers five crucial insights. Learn why setting clear, specific goals, and understanding your 'why' is paramount. Discover why adopting someone else's goal or following societal expectations can hinder your progress. Finally, understand the importance of consistent, purposeful action.

Key Takeaways

  1. Clear Vision and Purpose: Envision the impact of your goals on your business and personal life
  2. Develop Key Characteristics: Cultivate traits like discipline, decisiveness, creativity, confidence, and resilience.
  3. Specific, Measurable Goals: Define data points (e.g., revenue, leads) to gauge progres
  4. Milestone Checks: Regularly assess your progress and adapt strategies as needed.
  5. Daily Actions: Focus on three impactful tasks each month, week, and day to move closer to your goal.
  6. Commitment and Planning: Dedicate yourself and follow a well-thought-out plan.
  7. Accountability and Support: Seek individuals or groups to hold you accountable and provide support.

Turn your passion into profit by taking these actionable steps. Avoid becoming part of the 80% who miss out on achieving their dreams. Consistent action will bring you closer to realising your goals.

Remember, every step you take is a step towards a successful, thriving business. Don't forget to subscribe for more valuable insights. Here's to your success!

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Nichola Page:

Welcome to From passion to profit, where we talk about all things related to creating a successful health and fitness business. And one that works for you, the owner as much as it does your clients. I'm your host, Nicola Page. And in this episode, we'll be looking at how to get traction on your goals on your business goals. So they actually become a reality. There are stats out there that say that 80% of goals are not achieved. I mean, that's a huge percentage of people who set goals, not just business goals, just goals in general. So your clients have got their health and fitness goals, 80% of them, which you probably already know, will not achieve their goals. But the same is true for you in business. The reasons why there are more, there are five key reasons why 80% of people don't achieve their goals. First of all, their goals are not specific enough. So they're not clear. They're not tangible goals, they're a bit wishy washy, there's nothing really specific about them. So they don't necessarily know when they've actually achieved them. So they're not specific enough. The second reason is, they don't have a strong enough reason why this is a big one. Because when you're working towards particularly if it's a quite a big goal, and in business, we are obviously going to be talking about financial goals. There are times where you will face challenges, there are ups and downs in business, it's not just a straight linear line, to achieving the goal, you know, you'll go if you haven't already, buckle up, because there will be times when your business will be great. And there'll be times when it's going to be a real challenge. And that's the way it is a you as long as you learn from those and move on, that's great. But if you don't have a strong enough reason why you want the goal that you say that you want, when the tough times arrive, you'll give up is easier to just go off. Okay? Let yourself off the hook. If you have a really strong reason why you do what you do, and why you want what you want, the chances are, you're going to keep going through it. The third reason why goals are not achieved is that there's somebody else's goal. I remember years ago, I had a goal, that for my business, I wanted it to be a million pound turnover business. It wasn't actually my goal. I just heard other people saying that that's what they wanted. And I thought, okay, that's what I want to, I didn't really think about why I wanted that. And I'm not saying you shouldn't have that goal. But for me, it was just a number that I'd copied from somebody else. And I used to talk about all the time, that's what I want. But they didn't really know why. And I hadn't really thought about what that would look like for me and what the implications were for me. Another reason why goals are not achieved is that it's what you think you should do. So again, similar for being somebody else's. if lots of people around you are talking about a specific goal. Let's say you've got a studio, and you hear other studio owners talking about their goals, you think, oh, that's what I should do. Because that's, that's what my business is. And the final reason why goals are not achieved or 80% of goals are not achieved is because there's just not enough traction. And there's so that means there's not enough action, if you like you're not actively, monthly, weekly daily, working on working towards achieving the goals that you've set. Maybe you've set goals in the past, and you've not yet achieved them. You've probably have no I have set many ago in all areas of my life and not achieve them. And I could attribute any one of those five rings up five things as to why that didn't happen. I wasn't specific didn't have a strong enough reason why it was based on what somebody else was doing or had said is what I thought I should do. And I certainly didn't have enough traction on them. So how do you get traction on your goals? So step one, is you need to have a very clear vision and purpose. So why that's that boils down to why do you want the goal that you've said you want and having it very clear as to what does that give you? If once you've achieved it, what will change? How will you feel? What does it look like? What's going on around us having it having a very clear vision and purpose is one step one of setting or getting traction on your goals. Step two is looking at characteristics that you need to develop in order to achieve the goal now this is A probably one you don't hear very often when you're talking about setting goals. I'm going to come on to what that means in a minute. But step two is developing characteristics in line with the goal that you want. Step three is that you need to have specific and measurable goals. So that we need something that is the data that we're going to use in some way, shape, or shape or form. And because we're talking about business in this context, it might be the financial data, it could be the number of leads coming through, it could be the number of signups that you get. There needs to be step forwards, there needs to be milestone checks. So how frequently? Will you be checking in? On how close you are towards achieving that goal? Is it going to be something that you need to do each quarter each month each week? What are the milestones? Step five, is that you need to make sure you take daily actions. So every day you want to be doing some thing towards achieving that goal. Step six, is you need to commit and follow a plan. And Step seven is you need some accountability and support in some way shape or other How can you hold yourself accountable? Who around you who could you get to help you hold you accountable, and to give you the support you need? When it's just you with no accountability and no support? It's easy to let yourself off the hook, because you're the only one that knows about it. So how could you get some accountability and support to achieve your goals? So your vision and purpose? Think ahead? If you can go as far as five years out? No, I know, for a lot of people that are gosh, I can't think that far ahead. I have no clue what I'm going to be doing in six months, let alone in five years. I can't do it. So if your brain won't allow you to go that far ahead, see if you can go to three years, if that still feels like that's a stretch for you, then do a year it in a fight in advance. Where do you want to be? What do you want your life your business to look like? And I say your life and your business. Because when you're a small business owner in particular, your business is pretty much your life, we want to make sure that we are we are creating a business that allows us to have the lifestyle that we want. Okay, so what will your life your business look like in one year from now? If you can do the three years great if you can do the five years even better? So what is it you want to be doing? How do you want to be feeling? Why are these things important to you? What's the story? Once you get there? What story will you be telling? So this is where the vision and purposes we're not coming down to kind of data at this point. We're not setting the specific and measurable goal at this moment in time is think about what it is you might want, but why you're gonna get that net leverage on why you're setting this particular goal. So what will it look like? What do you want to be doing? How do you want to be feeling? Why are these things important to you? What's the story behind this? That was step one. So step two, I mentioned was characteristics. What characteristics do you need to develop to achieve your goals? Is it for example, you need to become more disciplined? Is that a characteristic you need to work on? If you look at somebody else's achieved the goal that you want? Did they do because they had they were very disciplined? Were they very decisive? Is that something you need to develop? Do you need to become more creative? Is that a characteristic you need to work on? Do you need to improve your confidence? Maybe you need to become more resilient. Maybe it's about being karma, or action taking? Think about? What somebody who has achieved the goal that you want, what somebody would be like, what characteristics would they have? If you've got somebody in mind? Right? You can think about that person in particular, what are their traits? What are their characteristics? And therefore that's something you potentially will need to develop more in yourself? And how could you go about developing that? Or even if you just made a list of what those characteristics are? When you come up with a challenge that you're facing, think about which characteristic would you need to have that will help you get over that hurdle? Is it that you've got to make a decision so therefore, I need to be come more decisive. I'm going to make a decision about this challenge I'm facing and here's the answer. This is an important part for you to develop as the leader of your business in order for you to continue to succeed once you've hit one goal. And then you set another goal if they become bigger and more, you know, more audacious goals, then you're you at your skills, your attributes that your characteristics need to be developed to. But what are they? Step three was about setting in your specific, measurable goals. So what data? Are you actually going to measure? Is this going to be a revenue goal? Is it a profit goal? Is it going to be a goal about the number of members or clients that you've got? Is it a goal that you're going to set in terms of the number of leads or inquiries you have coming in, or the percentage of people that you convert from a lead to a paying client, think about intent, what what the goal is and then the data that you will be measuring, that will show you that you are on track for achieving that goal, there's probably going to be more than one, if I would say you have between one and three pieces of data that you're going to measure on a regular basis, that is going to show whether you are on track or off track for achieving the goal that you want. Step Four was about milestones. So we've now established what data is you're going to measure. But how frequently do you need to measure that data. So as an example, if you've got a measurable piece of data related to marketing, so the number of inquiries or leads that you've got coming in, you want to be doing that on a weekly basis, there is no point just looking at that, at the end of the month, because the month has gone past, you look at the numbers, you're not as where you need to be is too late too much time has passed to make a difference marketing is very, is very reactive. So we need to look at that earlier more frequently on a monthly basis, because then, if you're behind tracker, at the end of the first week, you can do something about it, you can still catch up by the end of the month, same potentially with sales, depending on how many new cells that you need, how many new clients you need to be signing up how many new members you need to be on your memberships, you might want to do that weekly, finances, potentially in terms of certainly your profit, you will do monthly. And then we move on to the next step, which is all about the daily action. So let's just recap what we've got. So we've set this goal, you've got your one year goal. And now you know what that's going to look like feel like what you're going to be doing, we've got the vision, we've got the purpose behind it, we've also got some characteristics that you need to develop that's going to help you to achieve that. And we've got very specific, measurable data that we're going to be looking at to make sure that we're on track to achieving it. And we know how frequently, we're going to measure that data to make sure that if we are behind track, we've got time to impact it. So we catch back up. And then you look at this next step, which is all about your daily actions. So now you've got your goal. Now you know what you're measuring? What are the three top the biggest actions you need to take this month, that will get you move you closer towards that goal? So what are your top three actions you need to take this month, and you would do this every single month. So at the start of a new month, you're going to review now what three actions do I need to take this month, it might be the same, it might be slightly different. So we've got a top three actions we need to take this month coming up, what top three actions do I need to take this week in order for me to be achieved and be closer to the goal by the end of the month? And you would do that each week. So you've got your big three for the month, they might be quite big actions that you're going to take for the month. And then you're going to break down. Okay, so this week, what am I top three actions I need to take to this week towards achieving the goal. And then next week, you do the same again? What are my top three actions towards the goal this week? And then the final part is you say Okay, so now, what top 123 actions do I need to take today? Okay, so we know where we want to be by the end of the month. We know what the three actions are that we need to take for that month. We also know what actions we need to take this week. But what actions do I need to take today to make sure I'm on track for this week, just one or three that you might be quite a big thing you need to do therefore it's just going to be one thing today and start your day wherever possible, working on one of those three actions. Now I know that probably sounds like that's quite a lot. But once you get into the flow of Doing this, it becomes easier. So you need to be able to set some time aside to start with to think about the bigger picture to do that big bulk of work. And then it's a case of then Okay, so what my top three for this month, this week, and then each day, it just, it will become easier, you'll just find your flow with it. And before you know, it just be something you would all naturally just do. But wherever possible, start your day working on one of those three actions work on something that's taking you closer towards the goal that you want, as opposed to something that is somebody else's demand on your time. Like don't open your emails before you've done something to work towards the action you need to take because otherwise, I call this O PS, the letters O PS stands for other people's shit. Okay, excuse my French, but it's true, it is easy to open up your emails, read something that somebody wants something from you or there's a problem. And before you know it, you've got distracted, and now you're dealing with that is other people's stuff is say stuff. So work on your actions, first and foremost, create a bit of a morning routine to get you into the right frame of mind, review what those goals are those top three things, review what your goals are for stop, okay on a daily basis. So you remind yourself where you're at. And then take those that action daily. And also, you could review your characteristics daily. So maybe there was something that you need to become more decisive. You could ask yourself today, how could I become more decisive today? What do I need to do that would develop that characteristic? Or whatever it might be? And then finally, how can you get this accountability and support? Is there somebody around you maybe you've got another? Maybe a friend who has someone you know, has got their own business? Could you set up an accountability support group between the two of you or three of you that you're going to have these check ins with each other to say, Okay, right, you said you was going to do X by this date? Have you done it? Maybe you need to be part of a group in some shape or form where you can get this accountability as support, but try and get something around you. Someone who is not going to be negative about it. They're just there to say right, you said you were going to do this, did you get it done? Because when we are accountable to others, we are more likely to achieve what we've said we're going to do. So that's how you get traction on your goals. You need that clear vision, clear vision and purpose. Step one, you need to develop your characteristics. That was step two, step three was about having a specific and measurable goals. Step Four was the milestones. How frequently are you going to measure that data? Step Five was about the actions that you take your threes, three actions a month, three actions per week and 123 each day, follow the plan. And the final step was all about having some accountability and support, which really, don't underestimate the value of that. So I hope you found this episode useful. And it's got you fired up about achieving your goal, setting your goals and achieving your goals. I would be really grateful. If you could take a few minutes to just leave a review and share what your biggest takeaways are, or even share what your goals are, what you're going to work towards after listening to this session. And while you're there, of course, don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already, so you get notified of future episodes. So I look forward to seeing you on the next episode. That's it from me for today. Wishing you all the best with your goals. Remember, take action daily before you know it, you'll be far closer to actually ticking those goals off your list. You will not be one of the 80% of people who set goals and never achieved them. Don't let that be you. I'll see you on the next episode. Bye for now.