From Passion to Profit: Heart Centered Strategies for FitPros

007 Optimising Social Media Profiles to Give Your Fitness Business a Boost!

Nichola Page Season 1 Episode 7

In today's episode, we'll explore how optimising your social media profiles is a powerful way to give your fitness business a boost. This is essential in showcasing your business to your ideal clients, demonstrating that you're the solution they've been looking for. We'll unravel the Facebook ecosystem, understanding its significance. Then, we'll delve into practical strategies to optimise your profiles on both Facebook and Instagram. Let's get started!

Here are the key takeaways:

1. The Facebook Ecosystem: Understanding the interplay between personal profiles and business pages is crucial. Your personal profile is often the first point of contact for potential clients. Ensure it's optimised to make a strong first impression.

2. Optimising Your Personal Profile: While Facebook discourages using personal profiles for extensive business promotion, it's essential to make it informative. Include a compelling cover photo, relevant links, and a concise bio. This sets the stage for potential clients to explore further.

3. Leveraging Facebook Groups: Engaging with local or niche-specific Facebook groups can be a powerful marketing tool. Remember, group interactions typically link to personal profiles, reinforcing the importance of an optimised personal page.

4. Facebook Messenger Strategy: Utilise Facebook Messenger linked to your personal profile for effective communication. Engage potential clients with a clear, value-driven approach, ensuring your message resonates.

5. Business Page Optimisation: Your business page is a vital representation of your brand. Consistency in profile images, compelling cover photos, and a clear call to action are essential. Populate the 'About' section with concise yet impactful information about your business.

6. Instagram Bio Mastery: Your Instagram bio should be a concise yet powerful introduction to your brand. Ensure it clearly communicates who you are, who you help, and the results you deliver. Use searchable terms to enhance discoverability.

7. Clickable Links: Leverage the ability to include clickable links in your bios. Direct potential clients to specific landing pages, promotions, or your website. Make it easy for them to take the next step.

8. Optimising Your Grid: Your Instagram grid is a visual representation of your expertise. Ensure it showcases valuable content that compels potential clients to explore further.

Remember, consistency across platforms, clear messaging, and strategic use of clickable links are key elements in optimising your social media profiles.

Thank you for joining us on this episode of *From Passion to Profit*.  If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to leave a review. Don't forget to subscribe for more expert advice on managing and growing your health and fitness business. We look forward to bringing you more valuable content in the future. Until next time, take care!

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In this episode, we'll be looking at how to give your social media profiles and pages a bit of a boost, so you stand out more and show your ideal clients that you and your business is right for them.  I'll explain the entire Facebook ecosystem and why it's crucial for you to understand. We'll also dive into how to optimize your profiles and pages, specifically on Facebook and Instagram. 


Let me firstly explain the whole ecosystem of Facebook.


When you join Facebook, you must create a personal profile, you need this to create a business page. Your personal profile is often the first place people discover you, even before they find your business page. I'll discuss how to optimize your personal profile shortly.


Following your personal profile, you have your business page. It's vital to ensure your personal page is linked to your business page, and you should also strive to optimize both. We'll go into more detail on this shortly.


On Facebook, you can also utilise Facebook groups, which is an effective marketing tool for many health and fitness businesses. Posting in local Facebook groups or groups relevant to your ideal clients can give you great results. Think about who else provides a service to your ideal clients via a group and consider collaborating with them.  


Keep in mind that to join a group, you typically need to join as an individual rather than your business page. So, when you post in a group, your comments show as coming from you.  If someone likes what you’re saying they might click on your profile to see who you are.  They are now on your personal profile page.  Hence the importance of optimising your personal profile.


Your personal profile also enables you to use Facebook Messenger, allowing you to send and receive messages. This can be a valuable tool for marketing, but remember not to spam. There should be a clear strategy behind your messaging. On the other hand, the Messenger linked to your business page operates as an initial one-way street, requiring people to message you first.  Hopefully that gives you Understanding the significance of the personal profile page is essential. 


Facebook does not want you using your personal page to promote your business, so you do need to be careful, but you could still optimise your profile.  Over 80% of people will check you out on social media or your website, before they decide to do anything with you.  Think about what people are going to see when they do this.  Yes your personal profile should reflect you, and your business page is meant for business-related content. Nevertheless, you want your personal profile to intrigue those who click through from a group post, potentially leading them to your business page.


I run a free Facebook group called the Health and Fitness Business Club. Most people join from their personal profiles.  When I look at their personal profile to make sure they are a good fit for the group, it astonishes me how many people have nothing on their profiles.  If you're doing this, you're missing an opportunity. Even if you don't want to post personal content, ensure your personal profile has a photo, a cover photo, and clickable links to your business page or website.


Occasionally, you can share posts from your business page to your personal profile, but do this sparingly as Facebook discourages using personal profiles for business promotion.


Review your personal profile's cover photo, ensuring it reflects your business's core message. For example, if you run small group personal training sessions and offer a free taster session, put that on your cover photo.  Add a call to action to it.  Use the nickname section to add your profession, such as "Pilates Instructor" or "Personal Trainer."


Make sure to include links to your business page and website in the About section. If you have a website or a landing page, include a clickable link for easy access. Remember that many people will check you out on social media before engaging with your business.


On Facebook, consistency is key. Use the same profile photo on your personal profile and business page. Your cover photo, name, and about info should also be optimized on your business page. Include links to your business or website as necessary.


Now let’s talk about what you would do with Instagram.  Ensure consistency between your profile photo and that on your Facebook personal profile and Facebook business page. Your Instagram bio should be concise but informative. Include what you do, who you help, and what results you can achieve for your clients.


Use emojis and be creative to make the most of the limited characters available in your bio. Add clickable links, such as a link tree or specific landing pages, to guide your audience effectively.


Lastly, review your Instagram grid to ensure it reflects your expertise and resonates with your ideal clients. Compelling content in your grid can encourage users to explore further, which can improve your social media reach.


To summarize, optimising your social media profiles and pages is a free but essential strategy. Make sure your personal profile on Facebook and Instagram reflects your business and connects with your ideal clients. Review your Facebook and Instagram business pages, ensuring all details are up-to-date, and use consistent profile photos. Encourage interaction by including clickable links. Keep your content compelling and relevant to attract your target audience.


I hope you found this information valuable. If you did, please consider leaving a review and subscribing to receive future episodes. We'll cover various aspects of marketing, sales, and business management in the health and fitness industry in upcoming episodes. Thank you for your time, and see you on the next episode.