From Passion to Profit: Heart Centered Strategies for FitPros

From Passion to Profit: Heart-Centered Strategies for FitPros - Season 1 Trailer

Nichola Page Season 1 Episode 0

"From Passion to Profit: Heart-Centered Strategies for Fit Pros" hosted by Nichola Page, caters specifically to fitness professionals who are passionate about helping others and eager to succeed in their businesses. 

The podcast offers practical strategies and tactics to help fitness professionals attract and retain clients while building a business that provides them with the freedom, flexibility, and financial security they desire. It covers various topics such as marketing, client retention, finances, team management, and personal growth. 

The podcast emphasises the three key roles of entrepreneurship, management, and technician work that fitness professionals need to balance in their businesses. Nichola Page, with her extensive experience in the industry, guides listeners through wearing these hats effectively to create successful and fulfilling health and fitness businesses. The podcast also focuses on building a community of like-minded professionals to support each other on the journey of turning passion into profit.

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Nichola Page:

Welcome to From passion to profit heart centred strategies for fit pros, the podcast designed exclusively for fitness professionals, driven by their passion to help others and the desire to succeed. I'm your host, Nichola Page, and I'm excited to have you join me. Each week, myself and guest speakers will be sharing strategies and tactics to help you attract and retain clients whilst creating a business. That gives you the freedom, flexibility and financial security you want, ultimately, is all about creating a successful small business that works for you as much as it does for your clients. And really, please, you're listening today. So let's dive straight in. Well, this is all very exciting. Welcome. And thank you for joining me, I'm your host, Nichola Page. And over the coming months, I'm going to be your voice in your ear supporting you, and cheering you on with your health and fitness business. If you're a fitness professional, who runs their own business, this podcast is for you, regardless of whether you currently just you and your business, or you already have a small team, whether you hire venues, or you have your own wherever you deliver classes or personal training sessions. The aim of this podcast is to give you bite sized strategies and tactics that you can listen to and start putting into action straightaway. If you're like the majority of fit pros and studio owners I work with, you probably decided to set up your own business because you absolutely love what you do. You love seeing the impact that you have on people's lives as they achieve their health and fitness goals. You probably wanted the freedom and flexibility to work the hours you want to work to do things your way. And of course being controlling the amount of money you make. But the reality is where you're at right now may not exactly be where you'd hoped you'd be. Somehow, the freedom and flexibility has turned into long hours trying to juggle lots of different balls, the time it takes to plan your classes or your sessions the client facing time, then there's the marketing to find new clients all the admin that goes without, with running a business, not to mention all the personal commitments you've got going on. On top of that, there's the constant stress and worry about how you going to keep the money coming in, let alone how you're going to make more of it. Or maybe you're at the start of your small business journey, and you simply don't know where to start. So here's the thing. When you run your own business, there are three key roles that require you to wear three different hats. There are times when you need to wear the entrepreneur hat. This is where you're required to be the leader of your business, where you come up with the ideas and the strategies to get your business to where you want it to be. These are actions that require you to work on your business rather than in it. Then there's the manager's hat. This is when you're dealing with all the day to day operations of running your business, the 101 different tasks that need to be done, all the behind the scenes stuff that no one other than you realises or appreciates has to be done, the admin, the finances, the marketing, and the list goes on. For a lot of people I speak to in particular, this is the least enjoyable part of running their business. And then you have the technicians hat. Now this is possibly the hat you love wearing the most certainly in the early days of running your business. This is all the client facing stuff. When you're delivering the service you provide. The bit that you're great at and passionate about the bit that's led you to where you are now and in listening to this podcast. Now unless you have the funds to hire people who can take on more of those hats, take them away from you. It's down to you to wear all three at different times. And the purpose of this podcast is to help you wear those hats and wear them as best you can. Certainly the entrepreneur and the manager hats, you've probably got the technician one cupboard. But as I've worked in the industry for over 32 years, and I've qualified over 800 fitness professionals, I've probably got a few tricks up my sleeve to help you there too. If you have no idea what you're doing when you put that entrepreneur hat on, don't worry. That's what I'm here to help you with. That's exactly what this podcast is for. If you're wearing the manager's hat for too many hours, and it's just not what you enjoy. Don't worry about that either. This podcast is going to help you streamline your business so it runs more efficiently so it's less reliant on you and your time. Myself and other guest experts are going to give you strategies and tactics to help you manage and grow your business. We'll be covering everything from how to stand out more with your marketing, how to get more people signing up without you feeling pushy or awkward. How to handle your finances, retain your clients for longer. Hiring Manager team and of course Thanks for listening to from passion to profit. I've been your host Nichola Page, and I'm on a mission to help as many fit pros as I can to create successful small businesses, a business that works for them as much as it does their clients. The best way for me to do that is to get this podcast out to as many fit pros as possible. You can help me by sharing it and leaving a review. You can also get access to more training or topics just like this by joining me in my free Facebook group. All the links on how to join the group are in the show notes